ip office
- IP Office: Basic Partner Edition Showing As Unlicensed
- IP500 V2 Installation - Software Compatibility
- IP Office R 9.1 - W
- hat IP400 Hardware and base cards are supported?
- Process to swap Licenses to new SD Card
- Model 9601, 9608, 9608G, 9611G, 9621G, 9641G IP Deskphones
- Access the local Craft Procedures: (for example, to logout/change extension #, default programming)
- Press: Mute+CRAFT+# ( Mute, 2 7 2 3 8, # )
- CLEAR = Clear all values to factory (The Clear option erases all administered data — static programming, file server and call server programming, and user settings, and restores all such data to default values.)
- RESET VALUES = Reset system initialization values to defaults (all system initialization values to the application software default values.)
- 1600 Series Phones (1603, 1608, 1616)
- CLEAR PROCEDURE - Use the following procedure to clear the deskphone of its administrative, user-assigned and options values.
- Mute CRAFTCLEAR # -or- Mute 2 7 2 3 8 2 5 3 2 7 # (Mute C R A F T C L E A R #)
IP500 V2 Front Rear Diagram
IP500 V1 and V2 Diagram
UCM Module USB
1) See Page 19, section titled "To create a bottable USB memory key" https://downloads.avaya.com/css/P8/documents/101005065
2) Rufus software can be downloaded here ( https://rufus.akeo.ie ) or here ( Avaya IP Office miscellaneous )